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Practice and Exploration of the Teaching Integration Mode of Cell and Molecular Biology Experiments

Wenhui He

Georgetown University, Washington, District of Columbia, USA.

*Corresponding author: Wenhui He

Published: 10 November 2023 How to cite this paper


The Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory Course is not only the foundation of life sciences but also the basis for studying other courses in life sciences. As an important teaching method, experimental classes have always been a topic of concern for us in terms of reform and exploration. In response to the issues present in traditional experimental teaching, we have carried out a series of reforms in the content, assessment system, and methods of experimental teaching, and have achieved preliminary results. Firstly, in terms of experimental course content, we have updated and diversified the experiments to cover a broader range of topics. By incorporating cutting-edge research findings and technologies, students are exposed to the latest advancements in the field. This not only enhances their understanding of cellular and molecular biology but also stimulates their curiosity and enthusiasm for further exploration. Secondly, we have reformed the assessment system to promote a more comprehensive evaluation of students' abilities. Apart from traditional written exams, we have introduced practical assessments that require students to design and conduct their experiments independently. This not only tests their theoretical knowledge but also cultivates their experimental skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. Furthermore, we have adopted innovative teaching methods to enhance the effectiveness of experimental classes. Collaborative learning, group discussions, and hands-on activities are integrated into the teaching process to encourage active participation and foster a cooperative learning environment. Additionally, the use of advanced laboratory equipment and software enables students to acquire practical skills that are essential for future research or professional careers. Our efforts in reforming the Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory Course have yielded promising results. Students' interest and engagement in the subject have increased, and their practical skills and scientific literacy have been significantly enhanced. However, we recognize that continuous improvement is necessary, and we will continue to explore new approaches to optimize the teaching and learning experience in this foundational course of life sciences.

KEYWORDS: Teaching Mode, Cell and Molecular Biology, Experiments


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How to cite this paper

Wenhui He. Practice and Exploration of the Teaching Integration Mode of Cell and Molecular Biology Experiments. OAJRC Cellular and Molecular Biology, 2023, 5(1), 1-5.

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